I’m in tax hell!

I received 3 snail-mail-hell letters from 3 officiously odious tax authorities, all sent by the mafia to take me out with an AK-47 and ninja numchucks!! I frantically emailed my CPA to rescue me from this I-wouldn’t-wish-this-on-my-kids-even-though-they-caused-me-distress-my-entire-parental-life and this-crap-paperwork-is-more-painful-than-climbing-mt-fuji-and-childbirth-combined!

I am dodging the flying bullets and paper cuts as I type this!

How I got a free coffee!

I can’t prove it but I think Dale Carnegie got me a free coffee!

I was in an unusual amicable mood this morning as I sauntered into Panera for my daily coffee. I had a slightly-better-than-Mona-Lisa smile on my face because perhaps I had osmotically soaked up the Dale Carnegie stuff we’ve been learning through “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Before I could gleefully pay my overpriced $2.90 for a cylindrical piece of flimsy paper full of poisonous bean juice, the cashier said “coffee’s on us today!”

You too can get a free coffee… or at least a few less enemies which you are painstakingly aware of if you’ve been listening to strategies of war!  Just take a magic happy pill and listen to Dale Carnegie’s book!

Technically challenged!

We got a notice from our phone company to replace our go-phones with much more sophisticated ones that come with two million bloatware apps and a data plan that thins your wallet. Although the offer is enticing, we're holding out... because these phones are awesome!





I’m crippled!

I’m crippled and suffering terribly! Can someone please pass the latte!
