Minimalistic grandkids do lots of crazy stuff!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they are super smart... & didn't even go to school!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they run the house... without adults!

Our grandkids are so minimalisitc that clothes are optional!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they do the easiest exercise... walk!

Our grandkids are so minimalisitc that minimal cake remnants = maximum fun!

Our grandkids are so minimalisitc that anything can be a hat!



Our grandkids are so minimalisitc that they only understand one word... dominate!


Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they easily make new friends (and sometimes discover they're a dolphin whisperer)!


Our grandkids are so minimalistic that are easily entertained (& it doesn't cost a dime)!



Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they extert minimal energy (actually none!)



Our grandkids are so minimalistic that when they can't find a playground, they just use a dog park!





Our grandkids are so minimalistic that when it comes to exercise, they don't do any work!




Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they tolerate anything, including weird head ornaments!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they have a streamlined process for becoming Mozart... pick up instrument... & pretend like you know what you're doing!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they don't need Mr. Potato Head, GI Joe or My Little Pony. They just grab tangled earbuds and... whalah, TOY!



Our grandkids are so minimalistic that just a little bit of hard work... leads to great reward!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they are selective in what scares them. Evidently the Easter Bunny is Satan, but giant beetles are charming.





Our grandkids are so minimalistic that when their parents steal... they just stand and stare!





Our grandkids are so minimalistic that it doesn't take much to get them ticked off!






Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they have very, very few flaws... and one of those just happens to be flipping the bird!




Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they don't need food or clothes. They just use existing resources!




Our grandkids are so minimalistic that technology is code word for "single-focused zombie"!






Our grandkids are so minimalistic that one trip to Party City and they are well on their way to fame and fab!




Our grandkids are so minimalistic that all they need is... each other!

Our grandkids are so minimalistic that they found the quickest path to dorkhood... hang with relatives!